Sunday, July 15, 2012


I have been saying for probably two years that I have my food issues 80% figured out and I wanted more than anything to figure out the last 20%. Well, I can finally say, I I am there! I thought working on this blog would get me there. And, it has helped. One of the ways it has helped me the most, is by showing me the passion I have, to help people who are struggling with these issues. I have had a lot of women and men open up to me about their lifetime struggle with weight and food. But writing this blog, and even helping people, has not brought me to 100%. It was God's word.

And now I feel I have so much to say. It might end up being multiple more blog posts to tell you about what I learned and what God has to say about food, nourishment, craving, satisfaction, eating, hunger, and more.

I had the opportunity to be a counselor at Wildwood, a discipleship camp at Hume Lake. At Wildwood, they give you approximately an hour to be in God's word and have time alone with Him, every day. I loved this time. The first day we had "solo time" our leader talked about God's word being like food. His focus had nothing to do with diet or weight issues but he quoted Matthew 4:1-4. In this passage, Jesus has been fasting for 40 days and He was hungry. "The tempter came and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread." But Jesus answered, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

After talking about these verses with us he told us we can use a lot of other things to sustain or nourish us when we should use God's word. He posed the question, "Where am I seeking my food/nourishment?"

Basically, we all feel like we need to be filled up. Some of us go literally to food even when we aren't literally hungry. Some of us want approval, or success, or there is an endless list I could write about that aren't necessarily bad in themselves, but when we use them to take the place of God's word, we can never really be satisfied. This wasn't new news to me, and I think I have talked about it before in this blog. But when he asked the question, it made me want to see what else God's word said about food.

So for the next few days of solo time, I was able to look up and study these things. I learned so much. I can't wait to tell you about it. I am going to have to spread it out between posts. For now, look up Matthew 4 and ask yourself the question that our leader asked, where are you seeking your food/nourishment?

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