Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 13 Level of Commitment

My youngest daughter turned two last month. I know that now could be the time to potty train her. She is capable, if I take the time to go into intensive potty training mode. I like the idea of not buying or changing diapers. I would like her to be potty trained. So last week I hesitantly decided to get started. I bought all the little rewards and made the charts, I covered the floor with towels. I had the plan of not leaving the house much for about a week. After about 3 hours I decided to wait a few more months.

You are probably wondering if you are reading the wrong blog. What does potty training have to do with weight loss? My daughter is capable of being potty trained, I am not committed to the process of doing it right now. It is way too much work. I know I have to do it eventually but I just don't want to right now.

Now do you see the connection? Your level of success is directly related to your level of commitment. You may want to lose weight. You may want to be healthier. But wanting a result isn't going to mean much if you are not committed to the process that is going to lead to results. You actually have to be committed to the process. Committed to change. So committed that you stick with it when things get tough. So what would get your to truly commit to the challenge you are facing?


  1. I'm a little behind in reading your blog - but I do think you were spying on me when you wrote this! :)

  2. Or maybe all of us who struggle with these issues have a lot in common ;)
